对于大多数人来说,增加你的信用评分并不是最重要的,直到获得贷款的时候. 信用良好的人更有可能获得他们需要的贷款,并将获得较低的利率, which ultimately means saving money. If you are wanting to increase your credit score, 然后结合下面的建议来帮助你的分数最大化.

通过了解构成你信用评分的五个因素, you will be better equipped to improve your score:

> Your payment history – 35%. 你是否按时付款,他们是否迟到了,或者你是否错过了付款? 付款历史是你信用评分的最大决定因素,因为它真正代表了你是一个多么好的借款人.

> Amount you currently owe – 30%. This refers to your capacity; in other words, how much of your available credit are you using? 借款低于你能力的35%将有助于保持你的信用评分不受负面影响. 例如, if you have the capacity to borrow $20,000, you will want to only truly borrow less than $7,000 of that to show your responsibility of money management.

> Length of your credit history – 15%. The longer you have had credit available to you, the better. If you’re considering closing accounts, don’t close the ones you’ve had open for a long time; it is better to close the newer ones.

> Number of new accounts – 10%. 不要太快开设新账户,尤其是如果你的信用记录很短的话. 新 accounts will lower your average account age, 如果你没有很多其他的信用信息,哪些会影响你的分数.

> Types of credit – 10%. It’s best to have a balanced mix of credit cards, 零售账户, installment loans, 和/或抵押贷款.

So now that you know what helps to determine your score, 让我们深入研究一下如何主动提高你的信用评分.

1. Pay down your credit cards
决定你信用评分的第二大因素是你的能力. By paying down on your credit cards, you are immediately increasing your capacity which will, 反过来, drive up your score. 例如, if you have a credit card with $10,000 in available credit on it and a balance of $5,000, you are borrowing 50% of your capacity. If you can pay down that card to say $1,000, 然后你的借贷能力就会增加,你的分数也会增加!

2. 要求你的信用卡运营商提高信用额度
In addition to paying down your credit card, 另一种增加信用额度的方法是要求提高信用额度. 在许多情况下,信用卡发卡机构将增加对具有良好信用记录的客户的限制. 如果你现在的信用卡不能保证增加,考虑开一张新信用卡. 虽然对你的信用报告进行严格的调查可能会暂时降低你的分数, 新增的借贷能力将超过减少的借贷能力, 尤其是能力占了你分数30%的权重.

3. 汽车mate your payments
A few late payments is not an automatic score killer; however, if you are making late payments, 然后你可能想开始使用网上网赌最好最大平台自动支付. 按时还款是影响你得分的最大因素之一, 因此,通过建立自动付款,使它尽可能简单.

4. Check your credit report
确保没有错误列出的逾期付款,每个账户的欠款金额是正确的. If you find errors, dispute them with the credit bureau. You have three FICO credit scores, one for each of the three bureaus: Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. 您有权每12个月从每个机构获得一份免费报告. You can get your report online at annualcreditreport.com or by calling 877.322.8228.

提高你的信用需要时间,但经济回报很高! If you would like a free credit score analysis 为了得到 personalized recommendations, 然后 let's get started.

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