When deciding where to get your mortgage, there are many determinants you should consider. 

You want to work with a lender that can make your experience as simple and straightforward as possible. You want a seamless process so you can close on time without too much back and forth. You want an experienced company to help you secure the most desirable financing for you. 你想要得到最好的条款和利率.  

With so many banks, credit unions, and other lenders stating that they can help you get the mortgage you want and need, 为什么说到利率呢, 信用合作社作为最好的选择脱颖而出? 

Well, 利率是抵押贷款中最关键的因素之一, and credit unions pride themselves on offering the lowest rates possible to their members. However, that isn't the only reason why you might love getting your loan at a credit union. 

Keep reading to learn about credit union mortgage rates and refinance rates, 以及为什么你可以从信用合作社找到最好的选择.


The reason why you might prefer working with a credit union to secure your mortgage starts before a mortgage rate is even determined. 它通常从过程开始.


如果你现在是一个信用合作社的成员, 他们有你的财务数据, so there's often less information that needs to be provided during the application. This frequently leads to a more manageable and speedier approval process.

Also, the high-quality customer service credit unions are known for having what you need to make it through a time that might be a bit stressful. 虽然买房子是令人兴奋的, 这个过程有时既耗时又伤脑筋, so working with people who strive to make it as smooth as possible for you makes everything better.


Credit unions also offer various types of financing related to your mortgage, 例如房屋净值贷款和房屋净值信贷额度(HELOC). 

You can consider taking out either of these options at the same time as your primary mortgage and use the funds to make a larger down payment. In doing so, you may avoid paying monthly private mortgage insurance, also known as PMI. 

一个你有前科的信用社,或者一个你没有前科的信用社, might be able to approve you for these financing options with your initial loan instead of waiting until later down the line to do so. 


虽然你最初可能会从你想要的贷款人那里获得抵押贷款, it doesn't mean you'll be paying them every month for the life of your loan. Many companies that take on your loan initially will sell it to another company at some point. 当这种情况发生时,你无法控制所选择的公司. 这只是抵押贷款过程的一部分.

However, 当你从信用合作社获得抵押贷款时, 他们不太可能把它卖给第三方. 当他们的目标是持有你的贷款, they can be more flexible when considering borrowers with a less than ideal financial history, 比如更高的债务收入比.


毫无疑问,信用合作社以提供服务而闻名 lower mortgage rates to their members. But why? 

The primary reason is that credit unions are not-for-profit organizations. 与网赌最好最大平台和其他在线贷款机构不同, their not-for-profit status allows them to offer lower interest rates to their members. Members are also part owners, so as a member, you have a right to vote on what's important to you. 

低利率往往是成员之间的共同愿望. A lower interest rate of even a few tenths of a point can save you tens of thousands of dollars over the life of your mortgage. 

这里有一个350美元的利率差异的例子,000美元抵押贷款,30年期固定利率贷款 按揭贷款计算器

根据全国信用合作社协会, NCUA在美国,信用合作社抵押贷款的全国平均利率为3%.91% in September 2019.

Mortgage - $350,000

Term - 30 years

Interest Rate - 3.91%

抵押贷款总成本- 595,024美元 


According to the NCUA在美国,网赌最好最大平台抵押贷款的全国平均水平是4倍.05% in September 2019. 

Mortgage - $350,000

Term - 30 years

Interest Rate - 4.05%

抵押贷款总成本- 605,181美元


Based on this example, a less than 1% difference between the credit union interest rate and the bank interest rate led to paying an additional $20,157 over 30 years. 每月的差额只有28美元, so initially, 这看起来不多, 但是每月支付28美元,连续支付30年. 

Think about what you could do with an additional $20,157 over 30 years. If you simply invested that money in your retirement, it could quickly grow into much more. 

还能省下几千美元的利息, you'll also experience savings with lower closing costs and fees during the mortgage process.


在为你的下一个家获得融资时, 你想找一家提供优质客户服务的网赌最好最大平台, knowledgeable staff, 简单的贷款流程, and low mortgage rates. 信用合作社可以为你提供所有这些,甚至更多. 

信用合作社以提供最佳利率而自豪, and at Arbor Financial, we are no different. 我们灵活的贷款条件和快速简便的贷款预审, we want you to get into the home of your dreams without paying more than you need to.




Home Ownership , Lending

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